
Do you find it so difficult to focus that it interferes with your work, school, or relationships? Do you become easily distracted?  Is it really hard to remain organized despite your best efforts?

Inattention, impulsivity, and overactivity are three common problems associated with ADHD, which affects about 5% of people. It is much more serious than just having trouble concentrating. ADHD creates significant difficulties for students at school, presents barriers to success at work, and strains relationships between people with ADHD and those who care about them.  Untreated ADHD can be associated with anxiety, depression, and adjustment problems as well.

We specialize in evaluating and treating ADHD at different stages in people’s lives. We can determine whether your problems are consistent with ADHD through a psychological assessment.  We are currently able to schedule ADHD testing right away, without any delays or long waits.

We will then use behavioral approaches to treatment that are practical and effective.  We offer therapy, coaching, and specialized tutoring services to fully address the needs of people who experience attention challenges.

We are licensed to provide remote psychological assessments and psychotherapy in 39 states across the country that participate in PSYPACT for remote telehealth.

Email ADHD.Associates@gmail.com or call 855-800-9006 for your free 20 minute phone consultation.  We’d be happy to answer your questions and to provide you with more information about our services.